Financing a new home in this economy is hard for anyone, but if you have a disability and need assistance financing a home, it may be even more difficult. If you have your own income, home equity loans may not be that hard to get, but if you get assistance from the government as part of your income due to disability, getting these loans can be quite challenging. Here are some tips to help you figure out how to get a home equity loan even if you have a disability. This way you can enjoy your new home, worry free just like everyone else.
Ask your Greenwich real estate agent for advice
Real estate agents have experience helping people find financing options. They are a good starting place for providing connections for you to find the right financing for you even if you have a disability.
Grant Programs
There are some federal grant programs that help low income households qualify for financing or a home equity loan. Check with your city or town about applying for these grants to help you purchase a home or to make accommodations to it.
Contact Independent Living Centers
These centers can help people with disabilities find loan options or help you find areas in your community that have accommodation housing options for people with disabilities. Check your area for a local center to get started.
Home Choice Programs
These programs are specifically for people with lower income or disabilities and require a low down payment and help you pay closing costs for your new home. They may also help provide you with extra funds so you may not need a loan.
Do not allow Discrimination
The Fair Housing Act means that a lender cannot make it hard or impossible for anyone including those with disabilities to get a loan for their home. Do not allow yourself to be discriminated against just because you have a disability.
These financing tips will help make it easier for those with disabilities to afford their new home. There are many options that will make this process a little easier for everyone involved. This way you can look forward to enjoying your new home and not have many worries or hassles.