When buying a home especially in this economy knowing all your financing options are really important. Buyers that may have decided on a home but cannot afford to pay for the whole price right now may be interested in a lease to purchase option. If this seems like your situation, here are some tips on lease to purchase options to help you get started. That way you can still afford and enjoy your new home with fewer worries.
Ask your Greenwich real estate agent for advice
As real estate agents, they have experience making all kinds of sales with all kinds of financing options. They will help you figure out if a lease to purchase option is right for you. They may also recommend that you contact a real estate lawyer to help out as well.
Buyer pays a portion of the price
With lease to purchase options, a buyer will pay the seller a portion of the purchase with the right to buy the property later. This amount may be very little or substantial depending on the terms between the buyer and seller.
The Buyer agrees to lease property
With this option, the buyer agrees to lease the property from the seller for amount that is decided on in writing. After these terms are up, the buyer purchases the property in full.
Monthly rent goes toward purchase price of the home
With these lease to purchase options, the money that a buyer pays to the seller during the lease terms goes towards the purchase price of the home when the lease terms are up.
No one else can buy the property while leased
This option may be good for buyers because during the lease period no one else can look at buying the home which means the buyers leasing the home will have more of an advantage.
With this economy and people being short on funds, this option may be good for both buyers and sellers. The buyers get a new home and the sellers keep getting money while leasing their home before it is bought. This is a win win situation for many people and will help everyone enjoy their new futures with fewer worries.